The strategic plans of Physics Department which have been drafted and approved by the academic senate and Dean of Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics guide the department in carrying out its vision and mission.
The strategic plans comprise expectations for yearly achievements of the department. In addition, within these strategic plans are also strategies to achieve the department’s goals along with success indicators used as assessment standards of success achieved. In deciding strategies and success indicators Physics Department has taken into consideration the basic values, internal and external conditions, both from regional and international perspectives.
Kalender Akademik Tahun Ajaran 2022-2023
I’m pleased to introduce you to Physics Department of Universitas Andalas! Whether you are current or prospective students, alumni of our programmes, parents, employers or simply just stopping by, you will find information on this prospectus pertaining to one of the leading physics programmes in Indonesia.
The department is well known for its accomplishments in basic and applied scientific research focusing in Geophysics-Atmospheric Physics, Nuclear Physics, Photonic and Optoelectronics, Nanomaterials, Thin Films, Device Physics, Material Science and a growing new interest in Biophysics and Medical Physics. This is very much in line with our vision to become an internationally reputable physics department in the study and development of physics to support science and technology innovation and disaster mitigation.
Our students at both the undergraduate and graduate level enjoy a broad range of opportunities that facilitate them to engage in state-of-the-art research activities under the expert supervision of our faculty. In addition to being able to co-author papers in scientific journals with our faculty, our graduate students are also able to take part in invention disclosures and patents. The research activities at the department are performed in collaborations with numerous world-class universities, national labs, government institutions and industries both home and abroad. Together with conducive academic atmosphere and excellent facilities, we offer our students a vibrant, research-based intellectual environment to prepare them for the scientifically and technologically advanced careers of tomorrow.
We hope that you will find information available on this website useful. Thank you for your interest on us. However, information on a prospectus can only go so far and the best way to gain an insight into life at Physics Department of Universitas Andalas is to visit us and experience it for yourself. Feel free to contact us! We would be more than happy to talk to you, answer any of your questions and walk you through.
Warm regards,
Dr.Afdhal Muttaqin
Head of the Department
Gempa Bumi (Earthquake)
Geotermal (Geothermal)
Kemagnetan Batuan (Paleomagnetics)
Fisika Batuan (Rock Physics)
Fisika Atmosfer dan Remote Sensing (Atmospheric Physics and Remote Sensing)
Dr. techn. Marzuki, Mutya Vonnisa, M.Sc, Dr. Harmadi
Seismik dan Eksplorasi (Seismic and Exploration)
Elistia Liza Namigo, M.Si. Dwi Pujiastuti, M.Si., Ahmad Fauzi Pohan, M.Sc
Fisika Lingkungan (Environmental Physics)
Afdal, M.Si., Dr. Dwi Puryanti
Nanofotonik (Nanophotonics)
Dr.rer.nat. Muldarisnur, Astuti, M.Si
Material Elektronik (Electronic Materials)
Dr. Elvaswer, Alimin Mahyudin, M.Si, Mora, M.Si
Lapisan Tipis (Thin Films)
Dr. Dahyunir Dahlan, Sri Handani, M.Si
Material Nano (Nanomaterials)
Dr.rer.nat. Muldarisnur, Dr. Dahyunir Dahlan, Astuti, M.Si, Sri Rahayu Alfitri Usna, M.Si., Sri Handani, M.Si
Material Komposit Bahan Alam (Composite Materials)
Alimin Mahyudin, M.Si, Mora, M.Si
Material Magnetik (Magnetic Materials)
Dr. Dwi Puryanti, Arif Budiman, M.Si, Astuti, M.Si
Sensors, Detectors and Actuators
Dr. Harmadi, Wildian, M.Si., Rahmat Rasyid, M.Si., Nini Firmawati, M.Sc.
Mekatronika (Mechatronics)
Telemetri (Telemetry)
Dr. Harmadi, Meqorry Yusfi, M.Si, Wildian, M.Si.
Theoretical High Energy Physics
Non-linear Physics
Dr. Zulfi, Trengginas Eka Putra S. M.Si.
Quantum Thermodynamics
Modeling of Nuclear Reactor
Dr. Mohd. Ali Shafii, Dr. Dian Fitriyani, Feriska Handayani Irka, M.Si, Dr. Imam Taufiq
Neuro Fuzzy and Artificial Neural Networks
Biofisika (Biohysics)
Afdhal Muttaqin H.S. M.Si., Rico Adrial, M.Si.
Proteksi Radiasi (Radiation Protection)
Dosimetri (Dosimmetry)
Dian Milvita, M.Si., Rico Adrial, M.Si.
Pencitraan Medis (Medical Imaging)
Instrumentasi Medis (Medical Instrumentation)
Dr. Harmadi, Afdhal Muttaqin H.S. M.Si., Nini Firmawati, M.Sc.
The Program Educational Objectives (PEO) of UPP ‘s curriculum strive to equip graduates with the following attributes:
The Expected Learning Outcomes (ELO) of UPP’s curriculum strive to equip graduates with the following attributes::
Program Name |
Undergraduate Programme in Physics, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Andalas University |
Awarding & Teaching Institution |
Andalas University |
Year of establishment |
1996 |
Address |
JurusanFisika, FMIPA, UniversitasAndalasKampus UNAND, Limau Manis, Padang 25163 Phone : +6282170831700 Fax : 0751-73118 Homepage : Email : Alamat email ini dilindungi dari robot spam. Anda memerlukan Javascript yang aktif untuk melihatnya. |
Accreditation level |
Undergraduate Studies A awarded by National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT) Decree No.8855/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/VI/2021 for the period of 18 June 2021 to 18 June 2026 Graduate Studies A awarded by National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT) Decree No.6201/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/X/2020 for the period of 06 October 2020 to 06 October 2025 & Certified by AUN-QA (ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance) No. Assessment: 178 |
Mode/type of study |
Full time / campus-based |
Duration of study |
4 years / 8 semesters (maximum 14 semesters) |
Minimum credit |
144 |
Degree Awarded |
S.Si (Sarjana Sains) / BS |
Intake selection |
o National selection (SNMPTN, SBMPTN) o University selection (SMMPTN) |
Admission criteria |
o High school graduates (or equivalent) majoring in natural science o Not color blind o Passed the SNMPTN/ SBMPTN/ SMMPTN selection |
Graduate Profiles |
Graduates of the programme can work as
Programme Objectives |
The programme is designed to produce graduates
Programme Learning Outcomes |
At the end of their study, students are expected to be able to
Teaching and learning methods |
Student-centered learning (SCL) approach includes Cooperative Learning, Small Group Discussion, Contextual Instruction, Problem-based learning, Project-based learning, Case Study, Collaborative Learning, Discovery Learning, Self-directed learning. |
Assessment methods |
Learning outcome assessment covers 1) knowledge (cognitive), 2) specific skills (psychomotor), 3) softskills, core values and attitudes (affective). Assessment method includes observation, participation, writing test, practical exam, and interview. Learning process are assessed using rubrics, and learning outcomes are assessed using portfolios. |
Benchmark and reference |
Date of Approval |
December 4th, 2015 |
Year of last curriculum review |
2021 |
Periode |
Ketua Jurusan |
Sekretaris Jurusan |
Kordik/Kaprodi S1 |
Kaprodi S2 |
1996-1998 |
dr. Hj. Farida Ilyas |
Drs. H. Aswir, M.S |
- |
- |
1998-2001 |
Drs. H. Aswir, M.S |
Drs. Alimin Mahyudin, M.Si |
- |
2001-2005 |
Drs. Alimin Mahyudin, M.Si |
Dahyunir Dahlan, M.Si Drs. Sri Mulyadi, M.Si |
Drs. Sri Mulyadi, M.Si Afdal, S.Si Imam Taufiq, M.Si |
- |
2005-2009 |
Drs. Wildian, M.Si |
Arif Budiman, M.Si | Afdal, M.Si |
Drs. Wildian, M.Si Dr. Elvaswer Dr. Dahyunir Dahlan |
2009-2013 |
Arif Budiman, M.Si |
Afdal, M.Si | Astuti, M.Si |
Dr. Dahyunir Dahlan Dr. Harmadi |
2013-2015 |
Dr. Harmadi |
Dr. techn. Marzuki |
Feriska Handayani Irka, M.Si |
Dr. Dahyunir Dahlan |
2015-2017 |
Dr. techn. Marzuki |
Dr. rer. nat Muldarisnur |
Feriska Handayani Irka, M.Si Mutya Vonnisa, M.Sc |
Dr. Dahyunir Dahlan |
2017-2021 |
Dr.techn. Marzuki |
Dr.rer.nat. Muldarisnur |
Mutya Vonnisa, M.Sc |
Dr. Dian Fitriyani |
2020-2021 (PAW) |
Dr.rer.nat. Muldarisnur |
Mutya Vonnisa, M.Sc | Nini Firmawati, M.Sc | Dr. Dian Fitriyani |