Admin Fisika

Admin Fisika

Quis fringilla quis cursus urna sed sed velit nunc metus condimentum. Et pretium nec magna eros id commodo ligula Phasellus Curabitur wisi. Lacus elit lorem ridiculus vitae tempus eget nibh ut risus et.
22 Desember 2019

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19 Desember 2019
Please download Standard of Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI)  documents at the following link:
English version
  1. Standard of Curriculum
  2. Standard of Learning Content
  3. Standard of Learning Process
  4. Standard of Learning Assessment
  5. Standard of Academic Culture
Bahasa version
15 Desember 2019

Gempa Bumi (Earthquake)

Dwi Pujiastuti, M.Si.

Geotermal (Geothermal)

Ardian Putra, M.Si

Kemagnetan Batuan (Paleomagnetics)

Arif Budiman, M.Si

Fisika Batuan (Rock Physics)

Afdal, M.Si

Fisika Atmosfer dan Remote Sensing (Atmospheric Physics and Remote Sensing)

Dr. techn. Marzuki, Mutya Vonnisa, M.Sc, Dr. Harmadi


Seismik dan Eksplorasi (Seismic and Exploration)

Elistia Liza Namigo, M.Si. Dwi Pujiastuti, M.Si., Ahmad Fauzi Pohan, M.Sc


Fisika Lingkungan (Environmental Physics)

Afdal, M.Si.Dr. Dwi Puryanti

Nanofotonik (Nanophotonics)

Dr.rer.nat. Muldarisnur, Astuti, M.Si

Material Elektronik (Electronic Materials)

Dr. ElvaswerAlimin Mahyudin, M.Si, Mora, M.Si

Lapisan Tipis (Thin Films)

Dr. Dahyunir Dahlan, Sri Handani, M.Si

Material Nano (Nanomaterials)

Dr.rer.nat. MuldarisnurDr. Dahyunir DahlanAstuti, M.Si, Sri Rahayu Alfitri Usna, M.Si.Sri Handani, M.Si

Material Komposit Bahan Alam (Composite Materials)

Alimin Mahyudin, M.SiMora, M.Si

Material Magnetik (Magnetic Materials)

Dr. Dwi PuryantiArif Budiman, M.SiAstuti, M.Si

Sensors, Detectors and Actuators

Dr. Harmadi, Wildian, M.Si., Rahmat Rasyid, M.Si., Nini Firmawati, M.Sc.

Mekatronika (Mechatronics)

Meqorry Yusfi, M.Si

Telemetri (Telemetry)

Dr. HarmadiMeqorry Yusfi, M.SiWildian, M.Si.

Theoretical High Energy Physics

Dr. Zulfi

Non-linear Physics

Dr. ZulfiTrengginas Eka Putra S. M.Si.

Quantum Thermodynamics

Trengginas Eka Putra S. M.Si.

Modeling of Nuclear Reactor

Dr. Mohd. Ali Shafii, Dr. Dian FitriyaniFeriska Handayani Irka, M.Si, Dr. Imam Taufiq

Neuro Fuzzy and Artificial Neural Networks

Dr. Imam TaufiqDr. Zulfi

Biofisika (Biohysics)

Afdhal Muttaqin H.S. M.Si., Rico Adrial, M.Si.

Proteksi Radiasi (Radiation Protection)

Dian Milvita, M.Si.

Dosimetri (Dosimmetry)

Dian Milvita, M.Si.Rico Adrial, M.Si.

Pencitraan Medis (Medical Imaging)

Dr. Sri Oktamuliani

Instrumentasi Medis (Medical Instrumentation)

Dr. HarmadiAfdhal Muttaqin H.S. M.Si.,  Nini Firmawati, M.Sc.

13 Desember 2019

The Program Educational Objectives (PEO) of UPP ‘s curriculum strive to equip graduates with the following attributes:

  1. PEO 1: To have strong knowledge and competency in physics to advance in diverse career path or to pursue higher degree in physics.
  2. PEO 2: To be professionals with appropriate softskills and excellent work ethics
  3. PEO 3: To demonstrate positive attitude, integrity and high responsibility to the community and global society.

The Expected Learning Outcomes (ELO) of UPP’s curriculum strive to equip graduates with the following attributes::

  1. ELO 1: Able to acquire knowledge of fundamental laws and principles of classical and modern physics(Keywords :Fundamental Knowledge)
  2. ELO 2: Able to apply laws and principles of physics using experimental methods, mathematical and computational techniques to solve physical problems and related field.  (Keywords :Application of Physics Knowledge and Skills)
  3. ELO 3 :Able to conduct experiments in physics systematically as well as to interpret data and to present result correctly. (Keywords :Experimentation Skills)
  4. ELO 4 : Able to plan, perform and evaluate scientific studies and research related to physics or broader areas specifically those related to the innovation of science and technology and disaster mitigation.(Keywords: Scientific Study and Research)
  5. ELO 5 : Able to identify, formulate, analyze and solve problem scientifically (Keywords : Critical Thinking and Problem Solving)
  6. ELO6: Able to function effectively in multidisciplinary teams.(Keywords: Team-working Skills)
  7. ELO 7: Have fundamental capability in oral and written communication both in Bahasa and in English. (Keywords : Communication Skills)
  8. ELO 8: Able to continuously seek and acquire contemporary knowledge, work independently and manage learning time effectively (Keywords : Lifelong Learning and Information Management)
  9. ELO 9: Able to practice ethical values and integrity in scientific and social interaction (Keywords : Adaptability, ethics and integrity)

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